A mini-blog/reflective journal, from a self-confessed air-head.
I've always wondered what I'd be able to leave behind me for posterity.
As a child, I'd fantasies that I'd somehow save the whole world. At about age 7 or so I found a little clay 'talisman' at a flea market which I believed was magic and it was going to power my world-saving endeavour in some mystical way. I still have it, to this day.
When I tried my hand at writing fiction back then, I did seem to have a knack for it; at least I believe I did. I even wrote probably as much as 3 or so chapters on more than one occasion in my later teens/early twenties. Sadly, they were all written using the old computers of various ex-boyfriends and have therefore long since been lost in the break ups.
Even sadder still, I don't think I have the knack any longer. The last fiction I wrote was 3 chapters of a fan fiction, which I was admittedly very pleased with, in style. But I've not been able to come up with more ideas to carry on with it even if I could find the time, energy and impulse. And, no offense to other fanfic writers, I'm not of the opinion that this genre (if that's the correct word) is a serious one, personally. I'm aware the Fifty Shades series probably made the author a good amount of money, but I feel that was very much a fluke.
❔ So, with those 'prospects' behind me, what route is left for me to leave behind any sort of legacy to posterity?
However, just a little research revealed (as I should've known) that naming a star companies are just gimmicky novelty gifts services, with no real meaning (as the International Astronomical Union doesn't recognise those star names).
🌹 I heard you can name a rose, but I surmise that this might well be the same as naming a star.
I heard about this scheme where you can volunteer to 'adopt' a grave (in London) and see to it's upkeep. But how to ensure someone 'adopts' yours after you and your relatives are gone, if you're not wealthy enough to leave a financial legacy to see that it happens? Their website also features a build a legacy section, but the site seems very infrequently updated so I fear it could be one which is set to peter out, ultimately.
As someone with a belief in reincarnation, perhaps I shouldn't worry about this -- but my belief in reincarnation is rather specific, having to do with the fact that everything's made up of energy. So it doesn't necessarily provide quite the level of comfort I'm looking for, here. (I may post about it, for R, if I can articulate the concepts sufficiently well (but don't hold your breath).)
As a nature lover (and someone concerned about climate change), I should definitely plant some trees, &/or dedicate some woodland/a grove to someone. (In fact, since writing this paragraph I paid for one, in Sylvan Wood in Yorkshire -- see below.) But what else?

Photo credits (all images from Unsplash other than yoyo, which was www.freepik.com, by brgfx):
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