Saturday, 21 August 2021


A mini-blog/reflective(ish) journal, from a self-confessed air-head.


Places I've travelled:

~ Wales, Cornwall, Lake District, London, Yorkshire, Oxford (among other UK places)

~ Paris, France

~ Holland, including Amsterdam

~ New England (New Hampshire, New York State, Maine, Massachusetts (including Salem),and Vermont) (in the summer); also New York City (again, in the summer)

~ Montreal

~ Dublin

Places I'd like to travel (travel wishlist):

~ Canada, again
~ Croatia
~ Egypt, including Cairo
~ Italy
~ Lebanon

~ Madagascar

~ Morocco

~ New England, again (in the fall this time - maybe New York City again, too)

~ New Orleans

~ Peru, specifically Machu Picchu and the Nazca lines

~ Rio de Janeiro

~ Scotland

~ Thailand

~ Tibet

~ New Zealand, but only if I've won the lotto and can afford to fly first class (that's a long, long flight).

In recent years I've come to settle for local travel, only.  And then only fairly rarely.  I've an agoraphobic spouse, and it's tricky to plan travel without one's spouse.  (Though not impossible, of course.)  But it's not only my spouse's issues which prevent me from planning travel.

In truth, I've developed some anxiety about it myself latterly.  Not so much the travelling part itself (though there's a bit of nerves around that).  But in the main it's the planning and preparation.  It's easier not to bother.  Why expose myself to the pressure of organising, double checking, and prepping everything ahead of time?  Just skip the travel, and stay local, where everything is comfortable & familiar.

And there's nothing wrong with that, if that's what you prefer.  Or if your anxieties are on a level that preclude travelling, as for my spouse (for the most part).

But the pandemic has made me realise that opportunities to travel may not always be there.  Hopefully this situation will pass and travel will open up again for us all.  And when it does, I've a new motto:  no longer will I be too timid to travel.  If an opportunity presents itself to visit somewhere new, I'll try and take it (finances allowing), for starters.

And perhaps I'll set myself a goal of visiting one new place (here in England, for the most part) each year.  As a minimum.

Where in the world would you most like to travel, if money (and logistics) were no object?

Photo credits (all photos from Unsplash): Scottish castle title pic by Connor Mollison; Niagara falls by Edward Koorey; Egypt by AussieActive; wedding bands by Sandy Millar; tube route by M. B. M.; step free route sign by Yomex Owo; map etc by Annie Spratt; Rio by Leonardo Marinho.
Bonus rainforest photos by: Mandy Choi; Maggie Collins; and Kyle Cleveland, respectively.

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