Sunday, 19 December 2021

Zelebrating Zuccess!

A mini-blog/reflective journal, from a self-confessed air-head.

Zelebrating Zuccess!

The above title is cheeky, but what is a self-confessed air-head meant to write about for Z?  Zoroastrianism?  Zeitgeist?  Too heavy!

Zen?  Nope, still don't know enough about it, sadly.

So, we're zelebrating zuccess here.

(Jokes are not funny if you have to explain them, but I'm cognisant there may be people reading for whom English isn't their first language.  So, this is a terrible pun on the phrase: 'celebrating success!')

If you read this, consider pouring out a little libation in celebration with me.  And maybe uttering a petition to your powers for my continuing Awen (inspiration) for my next go around the alphabet.

And, just maybe, that I'll ultimately learn to blog without the alphabet letter prompts!

Perhaps I can graduate from being a self-confessed air-head to being a 'proper' blogger.

While I'm on the topic of silly phrases, I've been trying to coin a portmanteau, this being: Yabbithole.  For when you end up down a YouTube rabbit hole!  You see?

Help me out, let's make this go verbally viral...!  It could be my next li'l bit of 'posterity'.

Cheers!  🥂

PP 😀

PS please see this page for details of how to follow this blog, if desired.

Photo credits (all photos from Unsplash):

Z letter tile by Brett Jordan; balancing rocks by Brad Switzer; streamer by Matheus Frade; drinks by Cody Chan; graduation cap by Jonathan Daniels; rabbit by Stefan Fluck; design in sand by Kari Shea.

Bonus tree photos by Akira Deng and Yan Berthemy, respectively.

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